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      Changing Lives and Being Changed!


​Program: Yanapanakuy

(Click on picture at left to see sample program brochure)


Destinations: Lima, Pachacamac, Cuzco, Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu and Miraflores.


Duration: 11 days


Program Elements: CAPs with a post-secondary sister institution at an NGO, orphanage or school, homestays, sustainable historical and adventure tourism throughout Cuzco, The Sacred Valley, Augas Calientes and Machu Picchu and HOST's signature Closing Reflection Banquet at La Rosa Nautica.


Inclusions: International Travel insurance, international round-trip flight, CAPs and sister school coordination, lodging, all meals (as stated in the program brochure) with a beverage, itinerary-specific entrance fees and transportation, guided tours with at least one professional tour guide and at least one 24-hour onsite director.


2018 Program Fee: $4,200.00 + registration fee ($150.00)

Yanapanakuy Closing Reflection Banquet and post-trip Speeches...

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