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Los Andes y Los Galapagos

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​Program: "Ecuaventura"

(Click on picture at left to see sample program brochure)


Destinations: Quito, Otavalo, Galapagos: Puerto Ayora and various additional destinations on Santa Cruz Island, North Seymour & Bachas Islands OR Bartolome Island OR South Plaza Island.      


Duration: 10 days


Program Elements: pre-program global citizen cyber pal exchange with program-specific sister school, homestays in Quito, sister school exchange and Collaborative Action Projects (CAPs) at a local NGO in Quito, walking historical tour of Quito, Otavalo Andean market exploration, Native Family Musicians visit, Center of the World visit. Galapagos Island activities: snorkeling, visit to Charles Darwin Research Station, Giant Tortoise Reserve, Scalesia Forest, pit craters and lava tube exploration, island charter tours, closing reflection banquet.


Inclusions: International Travel insurance, international round-trip flight, domestic roundtrip flight (Quito-Galapagos-Quito), CAP project coordination, homestay and hotel lodging, all itinerary-mentioned meals with a beverage, itinerary-specific entrance fees and taxes, itinerary-specific transportation, certified guided tours with at least one professional tour guide and two 24-hour onsite directors.


2018 Program Fee: $4,350.00 + registration fee ($150.00)


This program is considered an IB InterCAS program (an Intercultural exchange and service learning-based program that offers CAS hours for IB diploma track students). Learn about one of HOST's Quito-based IB sister schools, Becquerel, by clicking on the school logo at left. ble click me.

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