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​Program: Peru Universitario (credit bearing options for Study Abroad)

(Click on picture at left to see sample credit-bearing program brochure)


Destinations: Lima, Pachacamac, Cuzco, Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu and Miraflores.


Duration: 13 days


Program Elements: Culturo-linguistic coursework, CAPs with a post-secondary sister institution, homestays, sustainable historical and adventure tourism throughout Cuzco, The Sacred Valley, Augas Calientes and Machu Picchu.


Inclusions: CAPs and sister school coordination, lodging, all meals (as stated in the program brochure) with a beverage, itinerary-specific entrance fees and transportation, guided tours with at least one professional tour guide and at least one 24-hour on call HOST director.


2017 Study Abroad provider fee: $3,050.00

Visualize it and hear from a Peru Universitario program graduate.

A Student's Trip Reflections. . .

When I first arrived in Peru I had major culture shock-- the people, the cars, and the language barrier was all very overwhelming. When I realized the only person in my host family who spoke fluid English was Rosa,  I was worried what would become of me within these two weeks; but, this trip taught me so much, I had nothing to worry about in the first place.


In the last two weeks I've traveled throughout Lima and Cusco and had the pleasure of hiking Machu Picchu. The people and culture of Peru is amazing, and while there were many great moments such as swimming with sea lions in the Pacific Ocean and exploring the market in Cusco, my favorite moments of this trip were building “el baño” and playing with the “chicos” at the school in Manchay. Without our help building “el baño”, the school would have not received accreditation.


I didn’t just learn how to lay brick and install a toilet on this trip, though. I learned to speak another language, I discovered a new culture, and had experiences I could never have dreamed of in the States. The experiences I had such as trying “cuy” (Guinea Pig) for the first time, going to the cathedral and museums in Lima, and the ruins in Cusco were life-changing. This trip was amazing, and has pushed me to take Spanish next year at UW-Stevens Point. I hope I can study abroad again, and hope that experience can live up to this one. 


                                                                                                                   -  Peru Universitario Program Graduate, Freddy Galley--UW-Colleges

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