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Educational Travel that Makes a Difference--Developing Global Citizens

Contact us now to learn more about HOST's life-transforming travel programs!



HOST specializes in educational immersion travel throughout the Spanish-speaking Americas, Spain and the USA!


HOST specializes in Spanish immersion travel programs. HOST runs customized high-impact secondary education travel programs and 

serves as a provider of study abroad programs for colleges and universities wishing to establish academic, culturo-linguistic/historical and collaborative action connections in the Spanish-speaking Americas, Spain and the USA. Join us and experience The HOST Way in Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Argentina, Spain and the USA.

The HOST Mission
Our Philosophy of Travel

The HOST Way


HOST specializes in high-impact immersion travel programs that aim to develop a stronger sense of global citizenry, increase intercultural competence and develop strong culturo-linguistic skills among its students while positively contributing, in a collaborative fashion, to the environment, local commerce and educational progress of the communites abroad with which it engages. The HOST Way is composed of 10 core programming elements, explained in The HOST WAY tab (seen above). HOST's company ethics principles, interwoven among administrative decisions, all the way to minute-by-minute itinerary planning, revolve around the four C's of HOST: Caring, Collaborating, Connecting and Contributing.

To provide unparalleled high-impact immersion travel experiences for secondary and post-secondary students that lead them to assimilate into the target culture as global citizens and collaboratively drive sustainable socio-educational progress throughout developing communities in the Spanish-speaking Americas and Spain.



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