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All HOST's student and educator testimonials can be found at: This page includes just a few highlights.


" It is not just learning and sightseeing. You are helping the locals and gaining a deeper perspective on your place on earth as a global citizen."                                   

                                                                                              - Hannah Foley, UW-Colleges Student

​ "Hands-on Spanish Travel changed my life and I know it can change yours."  

                                             - HOST Student Ambassador, Kenyon College Student, Olivia Lott


"The smiles they had on their faces from us just painting their made me so thankful for what I have."                                        - Robby Williams, Minnetonka HS

"I hope you keep the trip going for many years to come. I want to help raise money for the kids next year and come back my senior year. I think this trip has affected more people’ s lives than I expected. I am sure it will affect many more in the future."  - Seth Markley, McCutcheon HS


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